Wow! Who would have ever imagined the end of school year would look like this?! How can you end the school year on a positive note with distance learning? What regular ideas can you adapt to use for distance learning at the end of the year and still end on a high note? Let’s go…
1 Libraries: Technology Tools to Incorporate in Lesson Plans: Bloom’s Taxonomy & Technology Integration
2 5 Simple Ways to Integrate the Arts – Minds in Bloom
3 summer review websites for kids
4 An Easy Activity to Promote Growth Mindset
5 Google Quizzes
6 How to Turn a PDF Worksheet or Lesson into a Google Slides Handout That Students can Type on — Bespoke ELA: Essay Writing Tips + Lesson Plans
7 😍Protect your Floor and Back With these Magic Wheels
8 How HyperDocs Can Transform Your Teaching | Cult of Pedagogy
9 12 iPhone Storage Hacks That Will Change Your Life
10 Plymouth Earbuds from Apollo Box